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The progressive brush is a technique used to straighten hair. It also helps treat and reduce hair volume. It is called "progressive" due to the gradual effect it causes on the hair with each application.

With the presence of keratin, during straightening, the strands are hydrated. The straightener used in the procedure helps to fix the keratin in the hair, leaving it much more beautiful and soft.

The main component of the brush is formaldehyde, it contains toxic substances that can cause skin irritation.

And this is not the case with the Tô Passada Progressive Brush, with its intelligent and completely formaldehyde-free formula, Tô Passada guarantees 100% volume reduction from the first application!

Its formula enriched with a Blend of Amino silicones and Shea Butter rebuilds hair during the volume reduction process, guaranteeing vitality for 3 months, in addition to being smoke and odor free.

Your hair deserves the best and Tô Passada is what you need in terms of straightening, safety, durability and hydration.

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